Participatory Budgeting

How the community democratically invests in itself.

It's time for some budget democracy!

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a process in which District 22 residents, workers, and students come together to decide collectively how our office will spend $1 million in capital funds and $50,000 in expense funds to make our families and neighborhoods safer and healthier.

The people of District 22 will submit ideas for how to spend that pot of money. Then, the people of District 22 will cull the list down to a set of final ballots. Finally, the people of District 22 will cast votes to decide which projects win.

Volunteer today! We are looking for volunteers to help plan and facilitate the entire process. There are options for people at all levels of interest and commitment, so fill out the interest form and we’ll be in touch with details!

The 2023 Cycle

Our Participatory Budgeting process started with idea submissions by community members for ways to improve community safety in District 22.

Then we convened Citizens’ Assemblies for some deep discussions about what makes us feels most safe. Out of these deliberations came our final ballots.

During vote week, thousands of District 22 residents, workers, and students visited pop-up voting stations or cast online ballots for the projects that most enhanced safety in our neighborhoods.

Winning Projects: Capital

Winning Projects: Expense